
FINDS in the Press

Read more about FINDS is solving fashion's problem of excess inventory through a end-to-end trading solution from various industry sources.

The Spinoff

Unsold stocks, a growing problem, still looking for solutions.

The Good Goods

FINDS, the startup that digitalizes excess stock management. 

BBC Business Daily

More than a quarter of all clothes made are never actually sold – where do they go?

The Beyond Form Podcast

Venturing into Fashion tech – How to manage fashion’s unsold stock with AI. 

BFM Business

Jules-Adrien Néret (FINDS) : FINDS launches its intelligent platform.

BBC Business Daily

Fashion: Doing business in Paris. We speak to people doing business in fashion about why they chose to do it in Paris.

L'écho Circulaire

FINDS helps textile brands to monetize their excess stock.

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